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X. Honor Code Violation Report Form



All members of the University community are expected to adhere to the policy pertaining to the reporting and adjudication of violations of the Honor Code.  Initiating formal procedures when academic misconduct is suspected is a necessary and obligatory component of each member of the University community. Any suspected violations of the Honor Code should be reported promptly, in writing, to the Assistant Provost/ Director of the Office of Undergraduate Academic Integrity.

If you suspect that an Honor Code violation has occurred, or you have witnessed a suspected Honor Code violation, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Call the Office of Undergraduate Academic Integrity immediately at 540-231-9876 to discuss the situation and the Honor Code Process.
  2. Do not simply penalize the student. The Undergraduate Honor System is empowered with assigning and implementing sanctions for academic misconduct. A faculty member may recommend sanctions for academic misconduct to the Undergraduate Honor System. Most cases of academic misconduct should result in an F* as the student’s final course grade. An F* sanction indicates that a student failed the course due to an Honor Code violation. However, a faculty member may recommend more severe or lesser penalties to the Undergraduate Honor System if the circumstances warrant. Examples of other sanctions that may be assigned include: lowered final course grade, reduction of points on an individual assignment, zero on the assignment, and completion of the Academic Integrity Education Program. With the approval of an honor system hearing panel, the sanctions of suspension and expulsion may also be assigned. Faculty are strongly encouraged to consult the Undergraduate Honor System prior to making recommendations on the appropriate sanction.
  3. After speaking with the Office of Undergraduate Academic Integrity, you may begin preparing information to include with your Violation Report Form, if it is need. Listed below is information that might be helpful:
    • Course syllabus including references to the Honor System
    • A statement or policy on group work vs. individual effort and other support information
    • Evidence - originals of exams, quizzes, homeworks, computer programs
    • A statement of events in your own words
    • Statements from others who witnessed the event
    • Dates and times when the event occurred, or material was submitted
    • Copies of relevant pages from the course text, website, or other appropriate material
    • Please keep in mind you have 10 CLASS DAYS from the DATE OF DISCOVERY in which to report a suspected violation by calling the Office of Undergraduate Academic Integrity.
  • Please provide this material to the Honor System as promptly as possible. When submitting evidence please observe the following guidelines:
    • Where possible, provide single-sided copies only
    • Use paper clips if necessary, but please do not staple material together